Books and Anthologies from the Bognor Regis Write Club

Julia Macfarlane runs the Bognor Regis Write Club which consists of a small friendly group of would-be professional writers of fiction, poetry and prose.
They meet once a month to read out their latest 1000 – 1500 word selection, ranging from short stories, novels in progress, poetry and screenplays.
Recent publications include: the Chichester Ghost Tour and her own collection of Short stories: News of Leon And Other Stories
The books are available from Amazon:

The View from Here
The 2nd Anthology

News of Leon
and other Tales
Short Stories by Julia Macfarlane

Chichester Ghost Tour
A self guided tour of Chichester’s ghosts by Julia Macfarlane

Meet the Winners
The winners of the 2019 Bognor Regis Write Short story competition