The Webs of Time

The Webs of Time

If you ever find yourself going out with a Victorian lady and you feel the need to impress her with your romantic skills, I would suggest taking her night clubbing in Hartlepool, camping in Cornwall or touring in the remote parts of France should be immediately crossed off your list.

Short stories from the Time Travel Diaries of James Urquhart, minor scientist, who lived in 2015 and Elizabeth Bicester whom he met at cricket match in 1873.

Available on Amazon

They are narrated by Professor Rolleston who discovered the original diaries and who spent his life, when not hunting fairies, trying to understand their contents and the reasons for their existence.

You can read more about them on my BLOG.

  • Entangled in Time
  • Time Fracture
  • On Mars the Waves are Really High
  • Northern Nights
  • The Haunted Mil
  • A Holiday in Cornwall
  • In the Beginning. Or was it?

Three of the stories, Northern Nights, A Holiday in Cornwall and the Haunted Mill, previously appeared in Three Tales Out of Time.

You can read a sample here

Book Publishing for Local Authors in West Sussex